PSVA Maverick Classic 2023
Saturday, March 11 and Sunday, March 12, 2023
Sanctioned by: USAV
Tournament location:
North Houston Sports Complex: Map link
900 North Houston Road,
Warner Robins, GA, 31093

What to Expect on Game Day
Wave Information
AM Wave: 11/12U, 14U, 15/16U (split)
PM Wave: 13U, 15/16U (split), 17/18U
*15/16 split:
AM: PSVAH 16 Black, Crush 16, Vibe 16-2, PSVAV 15 Black
PM: PSVAV 16 Black, Seaside 16, Crush 15, PSVAH 15 Black
Schedule Information
Schedules are live through Sportwrench.
Admissions Information
Spectator wristbands will be sold at the ticket booth leading into the facility. Entry fee is $15/day or $25 for a weekend pass. Cash or card only. *Kids ages 10 & under are free admission.*
AM Wave will start at 8am and PM Wave will start after AM Wave concludes, around 3pm.
Facility doors will open to the players, coaches, and the public at 7:15am.
Coaches' wristbands will be available inside the facility. Players MUST be wearing their jersey for entry into the facility.
Spectators may sit downstairs on the bleachers or bring chairs for the upstairs track. If you decide to bring your own chairs, the chairs MUST have rubber soled-feet and stay on the track at all times. No spectators will be permitted to sit or stand courtside and will be asked to move.
Concessions, Vendors, & Raffles
Concessions will be available for purchase. We will also have some vendor tables (tournament T-shirts) and other items for sale (and raffle giveaways!!).
Prohibited Items
We are striving to make our events as enjoyable and safe for all attendees and participants. Therefore, spectators and participants are prohibited from bringing the following items into the Maverick Classic:
personal seats and chairs (only permitted if kept upstairs AND have rubber soled-feet)
personal transportation devices (i.e. hover boards, skateboards, etc.)
oversized bags or luggage
outside food
all tobacco products – including e-Cigarettes and vaping products
alcoholic beverages
loud noise makers or balloons
Other items as determined by the staff.
If you are asked to remove an item from the playing facility, you must do so immediately or you will be removed from the event. Please be aware that state laws for the right to carry any of the items listed above into public areas do not apply once you are admitted through the doors of the show.